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G. J. Wolken, Sharp, M. J., Geai, M. - L., Burges, D., Arendt, A. A., and Wouters, B., Glaciers and ice caps (outside Greenland), Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 94(7), S143, 2013.
S. H. Winsvold, Andreassen, L. M., and Kienholz, C., Glacier area and length changes in Norway from repeat inventories, The Cryosphere, vol. 8, pp. 1885–1903, 2014.
R. Winkelmann, Martin, M. A., Haseloff, M., Albrecht, T., Bueler, E., Khroulev, C., and Levermann, A., The Potsdam Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM-PIK)–Part 1: Model description, The Cryosphere, vol. 5, pp. 715–726, 2011.
G. Wieczorek, Geist, E., Motyka, R. J., and Jakob, M., Hazard assessment of the Tidal Inlet landslide and potential subsequent tsunami, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, Landslides, vol. 4, pp. 205-215.
M. West, Larsen, C. F., Truffer, M., OʼNeel, S., and LeBlanc, L., Glacier microseismicity, Geology, vol. 38, pp. 319-322, 2010.
J. Wellner, Scambos, T., Domack, E., Vernet, M., Leventer, A., Balco, G., Brachfeld, S., Cape, M., Huber, B., Ishman, S., McCormick, M., Mosley-Thompson, E., Pettit, E., Smith, C., Truffer, M., Van Dover, C., and Yoo, K. - C., The Larsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica (LARISSA): Polar Systems Bound Together, Changing Fast, GSA Today, vol. 29, pp. 4–10, 2019.
R. Wastlhuber, Hock, R., Kienholz, C., and Braun, M., Glacier Changes in the Susitna Basin, Alaska, USA,(1951–2015) using GIS and Remote Sensing Methods, Remote Sensing, vol. 9, p. 478, 2017.
F. Walter, Amundson, J. M., O'Neel, S., Truffer, M., Fahnestock, M. A., and Fricker, H. A., Analysis of low-frequency seismic signals generated during a multiple-iceberg calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 117, pp. 1–11, 2012.
J. Turrin, Forster, R. R., Larsen, C. F., and Sauber, J., The propagation of a surge front on Bering Glacier, Alaska, 2001–2011, Annals of Glaciology, vol. 54, pp. 221-228, 2013.
B. L. Trüssel, Motyka, R. J., Truffer, M., and Larsen, C. F., Rapid thinning of lake-calving Yakutat Glacier and the collapse of the Yakutat Icefield, southeast Alaska, USA, J. Glaciol., vol. 59, pp. 149–161, 2013.
M. Truffer and Harrison, W. D., In situ measurements of till deformation and water pressure, J. Glaciol., vol. 52, pp. 175–182, 2006.
M. Truffer, Harrison, W. D., and Echelmeyer, K. A., Glacier motion dominated by processes deep in underlying till, J. Glaciol., vol. 46, pp. 213–221, 2000.
M. Truffer, The basal speed of valley glaciers: an inverse approach, J. Glaciol., vol. 50, pp. 236–242, 2004.
M. Truffer, Ice Thickness Measurements on the Harding Icefield , Kenai Peninsula , Alaska, 2014.
M. Truffer, Motyka, R. J., Hekkers, M., Howat, I. M., and King, M. A., Terminus dynamics at an advancing glacier: Taku Glacier, Alaska, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 55, pp. 1052–1060, 2009.
M. Truffer, Echelmeyer, K. A., and Harrison, W. D., Implications of till deformation on glacier dynamics, J. Glaciol., vol. 47, pp. 123–134, 2001.
M. Truffer and Iken, A., The sliding velocity over a sinusoidal bed at high water pressure, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 44, pp. 379–382, 1998.
M. Truffer and Echelmeyer, K. A., Of isbræ and ice streams, Ann. Glaciol., vol. 36, pp. 66–72, 2003.
M. Truffer and Motyka, R., Where Glaciers Meet Water: Subaqueous Melt and its Relevance to Glaciers in Various Settings, Reviews of Geophysics, p. n/a–n/a, 2016.
M. Truffer, Harrison, W. D., and March, R. S., Record negative glacier balances and low velocities during the 2004 heatwave in Alaska, USA: implications for the interpretation of observations by Zwally and others in Greenland, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 51, pp. 663–664, 2005.
M. Truffer and Fahnestock, M., Rethinking ice sheet time scales, Science, vol. 315, pp. 1508–1510, 2007.
M. Truffer, Motyka, R. J., Harrison, W. D., Echelmeyer, K. A., Fisk, B., and Tulaczyk, S., Subglacial drilling at Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A : drilling method and sample descriptions, J. Glaciol., vol. 45, pp. 495–505, 1999.
B. Truessel, Truffer, M., Hock, R., Motyka, R., Huss, M., and Zhang, J., Run-away thinning of the low elevation Yakutat Glacier and its sensitivity to climate change, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 61, 2015.
S. K. Tremblay, Anderson, T. S., Pettit, E. C., Scheifele, P. M., Potty, G. R., and Miller, J. H., Ocean acoustic effects of explosions on land: Evaluation of Cook Inlet beluga whale habitability, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 122, pp. 3002–3002, 2007.
D. E. Thost and Truffer, M., Glacier Recession on Heard Island, Southern Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, vol. 40, pp. 199–214, 2008.
W. Sun, Miura, S., Sato, T., Sugano, T., Freymueller, J. T., Kaufman, M., Larsen, C. F., Cross, R., and Inazu, D., Gravity measurements in southeastern Alaska reveal negative gravity rate of change caused by glacial isostatic adjustment, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 115, p. B12406, 2010.
F. Straneo, Heimbach, P., Sergienko, O., Hamilton, G., Catania, G., Griffies, S., Hallberg, R., Jenkins, A., Joughin, I., Motyka, R., W. Pfeffer, T., Price, S. F., Rignot, E., Scambos, T., Truffer, M., and Vieli, A., Challenges to Understanding the Dynamic Response of Greenland's Marine Terminating Glaciers to Oceanic and Atmospheric Forcing, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 94, no. 8, pp. 1131 - 1144, 2013.
T. I. Ø. stby, Schuler, T. V., Hagen, J. O., Hock, R., Kohler, J., and Reijmer, C. H., Diagnosing the decline in climatic mass balance of glaciers in Svalbard over 1957–2014, The Cryosphere, vol. 11, pp. 191–215, 2017.
T. P. Stanton, Shaw, W. J., Truffer, M., Corr, H. F. J., Peters, L. E., Riverman, K. L., Bindschadler, R., Holland, D. M., and Anandakrishnan, S., Channelized ice melting in the ocean boundary layer beneath Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica., Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 341, pp. 1236–9, 2013.
J. A. Smith, Andersen, T. J., Shortt, M., Gaffney, A. M., Truffer, M., Stanton, T. P., Bindschadler, R., Dutrieux, P., Jenkins, A., Hillenbrand, C. - D., Ehrmann, W., Corr, H. F. J., Farley, N., Crowhurst, S., and Vaughan, D. G., Sub-ice-shelf sediments record history of twentieth-century retreat of Pine Island Glacier, Nature, vol. 541, pp. 77–80, 2017.
J. E. Sicart, Hock, R., Ribstein, P., and Chazarin, J. P., Sky longwave radiation on tropical Andean glaciers: parameterization and sensitivity to atmospheric variables, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 56, pp. 854–860, 2010.
J. E. Sicart, Hock, R., Ribstein, P., Litt, M., and Ramirez, E., Analysis of seasonal variations in mass balance and meltwater discharge of the tropical Zongo Glacier by application of a distributed energy balance model, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 116, p. D13105, 2011.
J. E. Sicart, Hock, R., and Six, D., Glacier melt, air temperature, and energy balance in different climates: The Bolivian Tropics, the French Alps, and northern Sweden, J. Geophys. Res, vol. 113, p. D24113, 2008.
M. J. Sharp, Ananicheva, M., Arendt, A. A., Hagen, J. Ove, Hock, R., Josberger, E., Moore, R. D., Pfeffer, W. Tad, and Wolken, G. J., Mountain Glaciers and ice caps, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway, xii, 2012.
J. Seguinot, Khroulev, C., Rogozhina, I., Stroeven, A. P., and Zhang, Q., The effect of climate forcing on numerical simulations of the Cordilleran ice sheet at the Last Glacial Maximum, The Cryosphere, vol. 8, pp. 1087–1103, 2014.
J. Sedlar and Hock, R., Testing longwave radiation parameterizations under clear and overcast skies at Storglaciären, Sweden, The Cryosphere, vol. 3, pp. 75–84, 2009.
T. V. Schuler, Crochet, P., Hock, R., Jackson, M., Barstad, I., and Jóhannesson, T., Distribution of snow accumulation on the Svartisen ice cap, Norway, assessed by a model of orographic precipitation, Hydrological Processes, vol. 22, pp. 3998–4008, 2008.
L. Scharff, Ziemen, F., Hort, M., Gerst, A., and Johnson, J. B., A detailed view into the eruption clouds of Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, using Doppler radar, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 117, p. n/a–n/a, 2012.
T. Sato, Miura, S., Ohta, Y., Fujimoto, H., Sun, W., Larsen, C. F., Heavner, M., Kaufman, A. M., and Freymueller, J. T., Earth tides observed by gravity and GPS in southeastern Alaska, Journal of Geodynamics, vol. 46, pp. 78–89, 2008.
T. Sato, Larsen, C. F., Miura, S., Ohta, Y., Fujimoto, H., Sun, W., Motyka, R. J., and Freymueller, J. T., Reevaluation of the viscoelastic and elastic responses to the past and present-day ice changes in Southeast Alaska, Tectonophysics, vol. 511, pp. 79–88, 2011.
T. Sato, Miura, S., Sun, W., Sugano, T., Freymueller, J. T., Larsen, C. F., Ohta, Y., Fujimoto, H., Inazu, D., and Motyka, R. J., Gravity and uplift rates observed in southeast Alaska and their comparison with GIA model predictions, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 117, p. B01401, 2012.
