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Journal Article
I. Das, Hock, R., Berthier, E., and Lingle, C. S., 21st-century increase in glacier mass loss in the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, USA, from airborne laser altimetry and satellite stereo imagery, J. Glaciol., vol. 60, pp. 283–293, 2014.
D. Voytenko, Dixon, T. H., Holland, D. M., Cassotto, R., Howat, I. M., Fahnestock, M. A., Truffer, M., and De La Peña, S., Acquisition of a 3 min, two-dimensional glacier velocity field with terrestrial radar interferometry, Journal of Glaciology, pp. 1–8, 2017.
D. Voytenko, Dixon, T. H., Holland, D. M., Cassotto, R., Howat, I. M., Fahnestock, M. A., Truffer, M., and De La Peña, S., Acquisition of a 3 min, two-dimensional glacier velocity field with terrestrial radar interferometry, Journal of Glaciology, pp. 1–8, 2017.
F. Pattyn, Perichon, L., Aschwanden, A., Breuer, B., de Smedt, B., Gagliardini, O., Gudmundsson, G. H., Hindmarsh, R. C. A., Hubbard, A. L., Johnson, J. V., Kleiner, T., Konovalov, Y., Martin, C., Payne, A. J., Pollard, D., Price, S. F., Rückamp, M., Saito, F., Souček, O., Sugiyama, S., and Zwinger, T., Benchmark experiments for higher-order and full Stokes ice sheet models (ISMIP-HOM), The Cryosphere, vol. 2, pp. 95–108, 2008.
M. Rebesco, Domack, E., Zgur, F., Lavoie, C., Leventer, A., Brachfeld, S., Willmott, V., Halverson, G., Truffer, M., Scambos, T., and Pettit, E. C., Boundary condition of grounding lines prior to collapse, Larsen-B Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Science, vol. 345, pp. 1354–1358, 2014.
H. Conway, Neumann, T. A., Price, S. F., Waddington, E. D., Morse, D., Taylor, K., Mayewski, P. A., Dixon, D., Pettit, E. C., and Steig, E. J., Candidate drill site near the Ross-Amundsen ice divide, West Antarctica, DRAFT, Mar, 2005.
M. R. Cape, Vernet, M., Pettit, E. C., Wellner, J., Truffer, M., Akie, G., Domack, E., Leventer, A., Smith, C. R., and Huber, B. A., Circumpolar Deep Water Impacts Glacial Meltwater Export and Coastal Biogeochemical Cycling Along the West Antarctic Peninsula, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 6, pp. 1–23, 2019.
I. Peters, Amundson, J. M., Cassotto, R., Fahnestock, M., Darnell, K., Truffer, M., and Zhang, W., Dynamic jamming of iceberg-choked fjords, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 42, pp. 1122–1129, 2015.
J. Hulth, DENBY, C. R., and Hock, R., Estimating glacier snow accumulation from backward calculation of melt and snowline tracking, Annals of Glaciology, vol. 54, p. 1, 2013.
J. H. Kennedy, Pettit, E. C., and Di Prinzio, C. L., The evolution of crystal fabric in ice sheets and its link to climate history, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 59, no. 214, pp. 357-373, 2013. (832.54 KB)
N. F. Glasser, Scambos, T. A., Bohlander, J., Truffer, M., Pettit, E. C., and Davies, B. J., From ice-shelf tributary to tidewater glacier: continued rapid recession, acceleration and thinning of Rohss Glacier following the 1995 collapse of the Prince Gustav Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 57, pp. 397–406, 2011.
J. Wellner, Scambos, T., Domack, E., Vernet, M., Leventer, A., Balco, G., Brachfeld, S., Cape, M., Huber, B., Ishman, S., McCormick, M., Mosley-Thompson, E., Pettit, E., Smith, C., Truffer, M., Van Dover, C., and Yoo, K. - C., The Larsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica (LARISSA): Polar Systems Bound Together, Changing Fast, GSA Today, vol. 29, pp. 4–10, 2019.
R. Hock, de Woul, M., Radić, V., and Dyurgerov, M., Mountain glaciers and ice caps around Antarctica make a large sea-level rise contribution, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 36, p. L07501, 2009.
R. Cassotto, Fahnestock, M., Amundson, J. M., Truffer, M., Boettcher, M. S., De La Peña, S., and Howat, I., Non-linear glacier response to calving events, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 65, pp. 39–54, 2019.
H. Conway, Neumann, T. A., Price, S. F., Waddington, E. D., Morse, D., Taylor, K., Mayewski, P. A., Dixon, D., Pettit, E. C., and Steig, E. J., Proposed drill site near the Ross–Amundsen ice divide, West Antarctica, White Paper for the US Ice Core Working Group, 2005.
R. J. Motyka, Dryer, W. P., Amundson, J. M., Truffer, M., and Fahnestock, M., Rapid Submarine Melting Driven by Subglacial Discharge, LeConte Glacier, Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 40, 2013.
U. Jonsell, Hock, R., and Duguay, M., Recent air and ground temperature increases at Tarfala Research Station, Sweden, Polar Research, vol. 32, 2013.
K. Christianson, Bushuk, M., Dutrieux, P., Parizek, B. R., Joughin, I. R., Alley, R. B., Shean, D. E., E. Abrahamsen, P., Anandakrishnan, S., Heywood, K. J., Kim, T. - W., Lee, S. Hoon, Nicholls, K., Stanton, T., Truffer, M., Webber, B. G. M., Jenkins, A., Jacobs, S., Bindschadler, R., and Holland, D. M., Sensitivity of Pine Island Glacier to observed ocean forcing, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 43, pp. 10,817–10,825, 2016.
J. A. Smith, Andersen, T. J., Shortt, M., Gaffney, A. M., Truffer, M., Stanton, T. P., Bindschadler, R., Dutrieux, P., Jenkins, A., Hillenbrand, C. - D., Ehrmann, W., Corr, H. F. J., Farley, N., Crowhurst, S., and Vaughan, D. G., Sub-ice-shelf sediments record history of twentieth-century retreat of Pine Island Glacier, Nature, vol. 541, pp. 77–80, 2017.
C. Kienholz, Amundson, J. M., Motyka, R. J., Jackson, R. H., Mickett, J. B., Sutherland, D. A., Nash, J. D., Winters, D. S., Dryer, W. P., and Truffer, M., Tracking icebergs with time-lapse photography and sparse optical flow , LeConte Bay , Alaska , 2016 – 2017, J. Glaciol., vol. 65, pp. 195–211, 2019.