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Journal Article
D. Inazu, Sato, T., Miura, S., Ohta, Y., Nakamura, K., Fujimoto, H., Larsen, C. F., and Higuchi, T., Accurate ocean tide modeling in southeast Alaska and large tidal dissipation around Glacier Bay, Journal of oceanography, vol. 65, pp. 335–347, 2009.
J. Elliott, Freymueller, J. T., and Larsen, C. F., Active tectonics of the St. Elias orogen, Alaska, observed with GPS measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, p. n/a–n/a, 2013.
M. G. Loso, Arendt, A., Larsen, C. F., Murphy, N., and Rich, J., Alaska National Park glaciers: what do they tell us about climate change?, Alaska Park Science, vol. 12, pp. 18–25, 2014.
T. C. Bartholomaus, Larsen, C. F., OʼNeel, S., and West, M., Calving seismicity from iceberg–sea surface interactions, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 117, p. F04029, 2012.
T. C. Bartholomaus, Larsen, C. F., and OʼNeel, S., Does calving matter? Evidence for significant submarine melt, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 380, pp. 21 - 30, 2013.
T. Sato, Miura, S., Ohta, Y., Fujimoto, H., Sun, W., Larsen, C. F., Heavner, M., Kaufman, A. M., and Freymueller, J. T., Earth tides observed by gravity and GPS in southeastern Alaska, Journal of Geodynamics, vol. 46, pp. 78–89, 2008.
E. W. Burgess, Forster, R. R., and Larsen, C. F., Flow velocities of Alaskan glaciers, Nat Commun, vol. 4, 2013.
C. F. Larsen, Motyka, R. J., Arendt, A. A., Echelmeyer, K. A., and Geissler, P. E., Glacier changes in southeast Alaska and northwest British Columbia and contribution to sea level rise, J. Geophys. Res, vol. 112, p. F01007, 2007.
M. West, Larsen, C. F., Truffer, M., OʼNeel, S., and LeBlanc, L., Glacier microseismicity, Geology, vol. 38, pp. 319-322, 2010.
T. Sato, Miura, S., Sun, W., Sugano, T., Freymueller, J. T., Larsen, C. F., Ohta, Y., Fujimoto, H., Inazu, D., and Motyka, R. J., Gravity and uplift rates observed in southeast Alaska and their comparison with GIA model predictions, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 117, p. B01401, 2012.
W. Sun, Miura, S., Sato, T., Sugano, T., Freymueller, J. T., Kaufman, M., Larsen, C. F., Cross, R., and Inazu, D., Gravity measurements in southeastern Alaska reveal negative gravity rate of change caused by glacial isostatic adjustment, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 115, p. B12406, 2010.
S. OʼNeel, Larsen, C. F., Rupert, N., and Hansen, R., Iceberg calving as a primary source of regional-scale glacier-generated seismicity in the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 115, p. F04034, 2010.
E. Rignot, Mouginot, J., Larsen, C. F., Gim, Y., and Kirchner, D., Low-frequency radar sounding of temperate ice masses in Southern Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters, p. n/a–n/a, 2013. (9.84 MB)
A. J. Johnson, Larsen, C. F., Murphy, N., Arendt, A. A., and Zirnheld, S. Lee, Mass balance in the Glacier Bay area of Alaska, USA, and British Columbia, Canada, 1995–2011, using airborne laser altimetry, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 59, no. 216, pp. 632–648, 2013.
R. J. Motyka, Larsen, C. F., Freymueller, J. T., and Echelmeyer, K. A., Post Little Ice Age Glacial Rebound in Glacier Bay National Park and Surrounding Areas, Alaska Park Science, vol. 6, pp. 36–41, 2007.
J. Turrin, Forster, R. R., Larsen, C. F., and Sauber, J., The propagation of a surge front on Bering Glacier, Alaska, 2001–2011, Annals of Glaciology, vol. 54, pp. 221-228, 2013.
C. Huggel, Salzmann, N., Allen, S., Caplan-Auerbach, J., Fischer , L., Haeberli, W., Larsen, C. F., Schneider, D., and Wessels, R., Recent and future warm extreme events and high-mountain slope stability, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 368, pp. 2435–2459, 2010.
S. B. Luthcke, Arendt, A. A., Rowlands, D. D., McCarthy, J. J., and Larsen, C. F., Recent glacier mass changes in the Gulf of Alaska region from GRACE mascon solutions, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 54, pp. 767–777, 2008.
T. Sato, Larsen, C. F., Miura, S., Ohta, Y., Fujimoto, H., Sun, W., Motyka, R. J., and Freymueller, J. T., Reevaluation of the viscoelastic and elastic responses to the past and present-day ice changes in Southeast Alaska, Tectonophysics, vol. 511, pp. 79–88, 2011.
T. C. Bartholomaus, Amundson, J. M., Walter, J. I., O'Neel, S., West, M. E., and Larsen, C. F., Subglacial discharge at tidewater glaciers revealed by seismic tremor, Geophysical Research Letters, 2015.
E. W. Burgess, Larsen, C. F., and Forster, R. R., Summer melt regulates winter glacier flow speeds throughout Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters, 2013.
C. F. Larsen, Burgess, E., Arendt, A. A., O'Neel, S., Johnson, A. J., and Kienholz, C., Surface melt dominates Alaska glacier mass balance, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 42, pp. 5902–5908, 2015. (1.01 MB)
E. W. Burgess, Forster, R. R., Larsen, C. F., and Braun, M., Surge dynamics on Bering Glacier, Alaska, in 2008–2011, The Cryosphere Discuss, vol. 6, pp. 1181–1204, 2012.
J. L. Elliott, Larsen, C. F., Freymueller, J. T., and Motyka, R. J., Tectonic block motion and glacial isostatic adjustment in southeast Alaska and adjacent Canada constrained by GPS measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 115, p. B09407, 2010.