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Journal Article
V. Radić, Hock, R., and Oerlemans, J., Volumearea scaling vs flowline modelling in glacier volume projections, Annals of Glaciology, vol. 46, pp. 234–240, 2007.
V. Radić and Hock, R., Regionally differentiated contribution of mountain glaciers and ice caps to future sea-level rise, Nature Geoscience, vol. 4, pp. 91–94, 2011.
V. Radić and Hock, R., Regional and global volumes of glaciers derived from statistical upscaling of glacier inventory data, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 115, p. F01010, 2010.
V. Radić, Bliss, A., Beedlow, A. C., Hock, R., Miles, E., and Cogley, J. Graham, Regional and global projections of twenty-first century glacier mass changes in response to climate scenarios from global climate models, Climate Dynamics, pp. 1-22, 2013.
R. Hock, de Woul, M., Radić, V., and Dyurgerov, M., Mountain glaciers and ice caps around Antarctica make a large sea-level rise contribution, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 36, p. L07501, 2009.
R. Hock, Radić, V., and de Woul, M., Climate sensitivity of Storglaciaren, Sweden: an intercomparison of mass-balance models using ERA-40 re-analysis and regional climate model data, Annals of glaciology, vol. 46, pp. 342–348, 2007.
V. Radić, Hock, R., and Oerlemans, J., Analysis of scaling methods in deriving future volume evolutions of valley glaciers, Journal of Glaciology, vol. 54, pp. 601–612, 2008.